
Showing posts from March, 2015

DC Machine

Introduction: DC Machines form one of the varieties of electrical equipment and are extensively in use in various industrial applications like DC voltage generation, electro- plating, metal extraction, traction, steel industry, paper mills etc. While the performance analysis and design features have been considered already, given the design data, this chapter deals as to how to make drawings of parts, sub assembly and general assembly. The input data for making the CAD drawing may be in the form of wordings, sketches or both. Te following are the parts of DC machine- 1. Yoke- Housing- Casing 2. Poles- Main Poles- Inter Poles- Compensating Winding 3. Armature and Armature Winding 4. Commutator 5. Brush and Brush Holder 6. Fan 7. Bearing 8. End Shields 9. Lifting lug The general appearance (Figure-1), a dismantled view (Figure-2), an exploded view (Figure-3), a general assembly (Figure-4) and a sectional pictorial view (Figure-5) of DC Machine are given below, to familiarize

Computer Aided Electrical drawing (CAED) Subject Code: 10EE65

S ub j e c t : Computer Aided Electrical drawing (CAED) Subject Code: 10EE65 T r a n s f o rm e r • To know the parts of transformer • To know the types of transformer • To make preparatory sketch of the transformer from the given design data • To make drawing of the sub assembly or assembly drawing using CAD Single Phase and Three Phase Transformers (Core Type) The elevations of single phase core type transformer and three phase core type transformers are shown in Figure 1. The widths of cores on the two limbs are equal in single phase transformers. The widths of cores of all the three limbs are equal in three phase transformers. The height of yoke may be equal or greater than the width of core, in both cases. The depth of core will be confined to the dimension of circumcircle diameter Single Phase and Three Phase Transformers (Shell type) The elevations of single phase shell type transformer and three phase transformer are shown in Figure 2. The width of the extreme limbs